Plaintiff/Intervenor Joint Trial Exhibits
- Armstrong 1 Joint Exhibits List (Handwritten) (April-June, 1984)
- Exhibit 001: Letter from L. Ron Hubbard to Presiding Judge (February 3, 1983)
- Exhibit 002: Press Release (February 10, 1983); DOJ Statement Re: L. Ron Hubbard Fingerprints (March 29, 1984)
- Exhibit 003: L. Ron Hubbard Fingerprint Exemplar; Department of Justice Criminal Record (August 22, 1948)
- Exhibit 004: HCO Policy Letter: The Guardian (March 1, 1966)
- Exhibit 005: My Philosophy (November 10, 1966)
- Exhibit 006: Disbursement Vouchers (Armstrong) (January 11, 1980)
- Exhibit 007: Letter from AOSH Publications To CSC Board of Directors Re L. Ron Hubbard: An Authorized Biography (November 14, 1980)
- Exhibit 008: Resolutions Adopted By Unanimous Written Consent Of The Board Of Directors Of Church Of Scientology Of California [Re: Hubbard biography] (November, 1980)
- Exhibit 009: Receipts for Hubbard Biography Project (March 4, 1981)
- Exhibit 010: Dispatch from Mary Sue Hubbard Re: Archives Trunks (December 11, 1979)
- Exhibit 011: CSW and Compliance Report Re: LRH Historical Items (January 6, 1980)
- Exhibit 012: LRH Librarian’s Index to LRH Handwritten Despatches (n.d.)
- Exhibit 013: Inventory: Controller Archives (n.d.)
- Exhibit 014: Inventory: Mary Sue Hubbard Archive (n.d.)
- Exhibit 015: Defendant’s List Of Exhibits From Documents Under Seal (n.d.)
- Exhibit 016: Supplemental List Of Plaintiff’s Exhibits (April 27, 1984)
- Exhibit 017: Letter from John Peterson to Gerry Armstrong (May 26, 1982)
- Exhibit 018: Letter from John Peterson to Gerald Armstrong (May 27, 1982)
- Exhibit 019: Letter from Gerald Armstrong to John Peterson (June 9, 1982)
- Exhibit 020: Letter from John Peterson to Gerald Armstrong (June 21, 1982)
- Exhibit 021: Invoices from Tin Goose (June 21, 1982)
- Exhibit 023: Scientology: A World Religion Emerges in the Space Age (n.d.)
- Exhibit 024: COLRHED 824: LRH Biography Plan (August 17, 1980)
- Exhibit 025: Letter from Sheila Gaiman to Omar V. Garrison (June 16, 1980)
- Exhibit 026: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to C (Mary Sue Hubbard) (October 31, 1980)
- Exhibit 028: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Laurel Sullivan (June 15, 1981)
- Exhibit 029: Letter from Marcus Swanson to Gerry Armstrong (December 10, 1981)
- Exhibit 030: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Barbara (December 12, 1981)
- Exhibit 031: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to CMO (May 7, 1980)
- Exhibit 032: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Gale, CMO (May 14, 1980)
- Exhibit 033: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Ted Horner, Action Chief (October 13, 1980)
- Exhibit 034: Check to Virgil Wilhite ($65,000) (May 12, 1980)
- Exhibit 035: Flag Order: Archives (April 27, 1969)
- Exhibit 036: Letter from Gerry Armstrong Re: R Val Docs Security (February 22, 1980)
- Exhibit 037: Sea Org Contract Of Employment (form) (n.d.)
- Exhibit 038: Flag Order: Stories Told (September 24, 1970)
- Exhibit 039: Flag Order: Regulations And Laws, Obedience To (October 27, 1973)
- Exhibit 040: Flag Order: Sea Org Contract Of Employment (December 27, 1970)
- Exhibit 041: Orders Of The Day (May 3, 1971)
- Exhibit 042: Orders Of The Day (August 10, 1971)
- Exhibit 043: O.T.C. Receipts (September 30, 1973)
- Exhibit 044: Republic Of Panama Contract with Operation & Transport Corporation (February 13, 1968)
- Exhibit 045: Stock Book Operation & Transport Corp. Ltda. (n.d.)
- Exhibit 046: Student Examination Routing Form (Gerry Armstrong) (July 17, 1974)
- Exhibit 047: HCO PL Understanding Corporate Integrity (April 23, 1973)
- Exhibit 048: Affidavit Of Gerry Armstrong (Re: Tonja Burden) (April 12, 1980)
- Exhibit 049: HCOB British E-Meter Operation (February 10, 1960)
- Exhibit 050: Flag Order: RPF O/W and Sec Checking Course (February 7, 1974)
- Exhibit 051: The Auditor’s Code (June 19, 1980)
- Exhibit 052: Gerry Armstrong’s “Success Story” On Completing RPF O/W & Sec Check Course (ca. October, 1976)
- Exhibit 053: Gerry Armstrong’s “Success Story” On Completing the Rehabilitation Project Force (December 12, 1977)
- Exhibit 054: Church Of Scientology Of California Disbursement Vouchers (June 1, 1977)
- Exhibit 055: HCO PL: Conditions Awards & Penances (January 21, 1981)
- Exhibit 056: The Devil’s Argument by Tom Esterbrook (n.d.)
- Exhibit 057: Background And Ceremonies Of The Church Of Scientology Of California, World Wide (1970)
- Exhibit 058: The Auditor WW 13: Philosophy Wins After 2000 Years By Tom Esterbrook (n.d.)
- Exhibit 059: The Auditor: WW 13 Philosophy Wins After 2000 Years By L. Ron Hubbard (n.d.)
- Exhibit 060: Action Report PC-815 (May 24, 1943)
- Exhibit 061: Log Book of the U.S.S. YP-422 (July 28 – September 30, 1942)
- Exhibit 062: Journal: Property Of Ronald Hubbard (ca. June 30, 1928)
- Exhibit 063: L. Ron Hubbard Journal (ca. 1928-1930)
- Exhibit 064: L.R. Hubbard Automobile Operator’s License (Guam) (1928)
- Exhibit 065: L. Ron Hubbard Journal: Aboard U.S.S. Gold Star (October 6, 1928)
- Exhibit 066: Letter from Ian Macbean to L. Ron Hubbard (January 1, 1929)
- Exhibit 067: Letter from Ledora May Hubbard to L. Ron Hubbard (September 30, 1929)
- Exhibit 068: Biographical Sketch of L. Ron Hubbard by CSC (1981)
- Exhibit 069: Conveyance of St. Hill Manor (November 16, 1967)
- Exhibit 070: HCO PL The Gambler (March 16, 1977)
- Exhibit 071: Correspondence between Gerry Armstrong and Lise Taylor (April 30 – May 3, 1980)
- Exhibit 072: The Phoenix Lectures by L. Ron Hubbard (pp. 34-5) (1968)
- Exhibit 073: Affidavit of Gerry Armstrong (April 12, 1980)
- Exhibit 074: The Auditor 51 Worldwide: What Your Fees Buy (1970)
- Exhibit 075: HCO PL The EC Network Disbanded (August 31, 1971)
- Exhibit 076: O.T. Personnel Questionnaire (Laurel Watson) (November 27, 1967)
- Exhibit 077: Letter from Laurel Watson to Mary Sue Hubbard; Sea Org Contract (Laurel Watson) (February 14, 1968)
- Exhibit 078: Orders Of The Day (September 4, 1971)
- Exhibit 079: Ship’s Complement (July 17, 1971)
- Exhibit 082: Fictitious Business Name Statement: Source Productions/New World Corp/The Personal Office of LRH (March 12, 1980)
- Exhibit 083: Letter from Laurel Sullivan to Gerry and Jocelyn Armstrong (March 9, 1983)
- Exhibit 084: Seven Div Org Board (1973)
- Exhibit 085: Church Of Scientology Ecclesiastical Structure (n.d.)
- Exhibit 086: Scientology Policy Directive: Confidentiality of PC Folder Data (April 28, 1982)
- Exhibit 087: Chart: The Bridge To Total Freedom (n.d.)
- Exhibit 088: CIC X-Mark Sheet, Subject: Anaheim Bulletin (November 9, 1980)
- Exhibit 089: The Great Wall Sightseeing Trip Series (n.d.)
- Exhibit 090: Photo of L. Ron Hubbard and Thomas S. Moulton (ca. April, 1943)
- Exhibit 091: Secret: Second Endorsement on CO USS PC815; Subject: Battle Report – Submission Of (8 June 1943)
- Exhibit 092: Private Investigator’s Surveillance Diagram: Armstrong’s Apartment Building (n.d.)
- Exhibit 093: HCO PL Suppressive Acts Suppression Of Scientology And Scientologists The Fair Game Law (March 1, 1965)
- Exhibit 094: HCO PL Fair Game Law Organizational Suppressive Acts The Source Of The Fair Game Law (March 17, 1965)
- Exhibit 095: HCO PL Collection From SPs and PTSs (August 16, 1965)
- Exhibit 096: HCO PL Ethics (December 23, 1965)
- Exhibit 097: HCO PL Ethics Suppressive Acts Suppression Of Scientology And Scientologists (May 16, 1980)
- Exhibit 098: HCO PL Ethics Penalties (October 6, 1970)
- Exhibit 099: FCO Suppressive Person Declare Mike Sommer (June 11, 1983)
- Exhibit 100: Introduction To Scientology Ethics (1978 ed.)
- Exhibit 101: HCO PL Conditions, Awards And Penances (November 16, 1971)
- Exhibit 102: BPL Conditions: Awards and Penances (November 16, 1971)
- Exhibit 103: HCO PL Ethics Review (April 29, 1965)
- Exhibit 104: The China Year Book (1929-30)
- Exhibit 105: Appointment In Naval Reserve: Lieutenant (jg) Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (July 5, 1941)
- Exhibit 106: Death Certificate Joseph Cheesman Thompson (May 30, 1984)
- Exhibit 107: The National Union Catalog (June 1, 1984)
- Exhibit 108: Library Of Congress Sigmund Freud Collection: Postcard from Freud to Joe Tom Sun (July 27, 1923)
- Exhibit 109: Letter from Department of Health and Human Services To Whom It May Concern Re: Psychoanalytic Literature (May 31, 1984)
- Exhibit 110: Sketch of Joseph Cheesman Thompson (n.d.)
- Exhibit 111: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Sue (Anderson) (June 18, 1981)
- Exhibit 112: Dispatch from Gerry Armstrong to Sue; Reply from Cirrus (November 25-26, 1981)
- Exhibit 113: Bonaventure Phone records (May 28, 1982)
- Exhibit 114: Ralston-Pilot Annual Report (March 1, 1982)
- Exhibit 115: Receipt for Incorporation of RRF (August 21, 1973)
- Exhibit 116: Certification of Articles of Incorporation (Catholic Church) (June 1, 1984)
Defendant Trial Exhibits
- Armstrong 1 Trial Exhibits List (Defendant)
- Exhibit 500-Z: Who’s Who (March 8, 1967)
- Exhibit A: Deed re Gilman Hot Spring (November 1, 1978)
- Exhibit AA: Dispatch from Gerry Armstrong Re: New Post Non-Existence Formula (Snr R Pers PRO Researcher) (February 3, 1980)
- Exhibit AAA: Guardian Office Order: MSH Programme Intelligence: Internal Security (December 16, 1969)
- Exhibit AAAA: HCO PL Cancellation of Fair Game (October 21, 1968)
- Exhibit B: Letter from Tom Vorm to Gordon Cook Re: Non- Dianetic and Scientology Materials (October 10, 1981)
- Exhibit BB: Letter from Pat Brice to Whom It May Concern (July 29, 1980)
- Exhibit BBB: Policy Letters on Black PR (1971-1972)
- Exhibit BBBB: Magazine: Advance (excerpt)
- Exhibit C: Declaration Of Tom Vorm (November, 1982)
- Exhibit CC: Chart: Creation Of LRH Biographical (Armstrong) Archives (n.d.)
- Exhibit CCC: Copy of Dedication Page of Science of Survival (1951)
- Exhibit CCCC: Photograph of Laurel Sullivan and L. Ron Hubbard on Ship (n.d.)
- Exhibit D: Letter from Mary Sue Hubbard to Gerry Armstrong (February 11, 1980)
- Exhibit E: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Controller (Mary Sue Hubbard) (February 5, 1980)
- Exhibit EE: Letter from Alan S. Wertheimer to Larry Brennan (November 17, 1980)
- Exhibit EEE: CIC X Mark Sheet (Enemies List): Subject: Flynn, Michael J. (August 18, 1981)
- Exhibit EEEE: SO ED 2104 Int The Flow Up The Bridge The US Mission Holders Conference San Francisco 1982 (November 7, 1982)
- Exhibit F: Petition from Gerry Armstrong to L. Ron Hubbard (January 8, 1980)
- Exhibit FF: Letter from Alan Wertheimer to Larry Brennan (December 2, 1980)
- Exhibit FFF: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Mary Sue Hubbard (August 14, 1982)
- Exhibit FFFF: HCO PL Policies on Sources of Trouble (May 7, 1969)
- Exhibit G: Contract Between Omar V. Garrison and Pubs DK (1980)
- Exhibit GG: Letter from Larry Brennan to Alan Wertheimer (January 2, 1981)
- Exhibit GGG: Gerry Armstrong’s Reports Concerning Incidents of Following/Harassment by PIs (August 18 – September 19, 1982)
- Exhibit GGGG: Write-up (Schomer) Confidential (May 1984)
- Exhibit H: A Brief Biography of LRH (ca. 1960)
- Exhibit HH: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Gale Irwin (CO CMO) and Personnel Order (October 23, 1981)
- Exhibit HHH: Guardian’s Office Confidential Intelligence Course (September 9, 1974)
- Exhibit HHHH: Confidential Homer Schomer Salvage Mission (May 28, 1984)
- Exhibit I: Re: Omar Garrison’s Biographical Workpoints (March 16, 1977)
- Exhibit II: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Cirrus Slevin (November 25, 1971)
- Exhibit III: Operations Definitions (n.d.)
- Exhibit IIII: Dispatch from T/Qual Sec OSA Int to Legal Director ASI Re: Homer Schomer (May 18, 1984)
- Exhibit J: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to C (Mary Sue Hubbard) (October 15, 1980)
- Exhibit JJ: Recontracting R Bio With OVG (November 18, 1981)
- Exhibit JJJ: Dispatch from AG Info LV to Int Sec US Re Arda Reeves (July 28, 1972)
- Exhibit K: Flag Order: Commodore’s Messengers (September 15, 1978)
- Exhibit KK: Letter from Robert Vaughn Young to Sue (November 28, 1981)
- Exhibit KKK: To Rawhide I/C Re Donald Wilson (November 11, 1976)
- Exhibit KKKK: Declaration of Andrew M. Lenarcic (August 22, 1982)
- Exhibit LL: Letter from Robert Vaughn Young to Karin Re: Biography (November 28, 1981)
- Exhibit LLL: Dispatch from Allen Info Re: Donna Reeve (September 27, 1976)
- Exhibit M: Suppressive Person Declares Gerry Armstrong (February 18, 1982; April 22, 1982)
- Exhibit MM: CSI Staff Contract Form (n.d.)
- Exhibit MMM: Dispatch from AGI to Rawhide I/C B-1 US Re: Kermit V. Miller (September 27, 19–)
- Exhibit N: PRO News (April 1970)
- Exhibit NN: Intelligence Specialist Training Routine – TR L (n.d.)
- Exhibit NNN: Emylee Lynn Miller: Excerptions (sealed) (n.d.)
- Exhibit O: Dianetics, The Original Thesis (pp. 158-9; cover)
- Exhibit OOO: Intell Weekly Report (June 29, 1972)
- Exhibit PP: Suppressive Person Declares Gerry Armstrong (February 18, 1982; April 22, 1982)
- Exhibit PPP: Letter from Dick Weigand to Henning Heldt (sealed) (January 23, 1976)
- Exhibit QQQ: Dispatch from Dick Weigand to Henning Heldt (sealed) (January 22, 1976)
- Exhibit RR: HCO PL Penalties For Lower Conditions (October 18, 1967)
- Exhibit RRR: Excerption of Ira Hirsch PC files (sealed) (January 22, 1977)
- Exhibit SSS: Operation Freakout (April 1, 1976)
- Exhibit TT: Project Biography Debug (October 30, 1981)
- Exhibit TTT: Bureau Radio Deferred (June 20, 1961)
- Exhibit U: Nondisclosure And Release Bond (Gerald David Armstrong) (March 18, 1977)
- Exhibit UU: Schedule of Costs for Courses and Auditing (January, 1980)
- Exhibit UUU: HCO PL The Guardian (March 1, 1966)
- Exhibit V: W2 Forms (1977)
- Exhibit VV: List Of Misrepresentations Made Publicly by L. Ron Hubbard (n.d.)
- Exhibit VVV: Dispatch to Jane Kember (Guardian WW) Re: Successful and Unsuccessful Actions (March 9, 1970)
- Exhibit W: Vetting Hat Write Up (March 9, 1975)
- Exhibit WW: Summary of L. Ron Hubbard’s Naval Career (May 11, 1979)
- Exhibit WWW: Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary (excerpt) (1976)
- Exhibit X: HCO PL Johannesburg Security Check (April 7, 1961)
- Exhibit XX: Deck Log from Algol (excerpt) (September 27, 1944)
- Exhibit XXX: Burden Releases, Bonds, etc. (December 17, 1977)
- Exhibit Y: LRH Response Approving Petition (ca. January, 1980)
- Exhibit YY: Special Orthopedic Examination (August 1, 1951)
- Exhibit YYY: Confidential Intelligence Chief (Exhibit: Kember, December 9, 1983)
- Exhibit Z: Dispatch from L. Ron Hubbard to Gerry Armstrong (February 8, 1980)
- Exhibit ZZ: What Your Fees Buy (1976)
- Exhibit ZZZ: Letter from Gerry Armstrong to Barbara DeCelle (September 1, 1981)