REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS (Incomplete) (February 11, 1985)
Attorney For Plaintiff/Intervenor: Michael Lee Hertzberg, Esq.
Attorney For Plaintiff/Intervenor: Michael S. Magnuson, Esq.
Attorney For Plaintiff: John G. Peterson, Esq.
Attorney For Plaintiff/Cross-Defendant: Donald C. Randolph, Esq.
Attorney For Plaintiff Class: Jeffrey B. O'Toole, Esq.
Attorney For Plaintiff Class: Edward Copeland, Esq.
Attorney For The Courts: Gordon Trask, Esq.
Attorney For The United States: John W. Toothman, Esq.
Attorney For The United States: Janet M. McClintock, Esq.
Also Present: Gerald Armstrong
Also Present: Laurel Sullivan
View/Download: REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS (Incomplete) (February 11, 1985)